Monday, March 9, 2009

Mediation effect

Many of the studies in social sciences involve a mediating variable, which filters the effect of the original independent variable on the dependent variable. There are many ways of testing mediation. I just want to highlight some wonderful websites and resources that deal with this topic.

Calculation for the Sobel test. The website contains explanations of concepts and easy-to-use calculators for indirect effect.

Dr. Andrew Hayes at the Ohio State University also developed a website and SPSS macros for the test of indirect effect. Please click here for the SPSS syntax to activate the macro. There is also a PDF file that explains the steps after the activation of macro.

In fact, the software Mplus has proved to be very handy in testing indirect effect. By specifying the "ind" command, Mplus shows not only the effect size, but also the test score and significance of the coefficient.

The website developed by Dr. David Kenny is also very helpful. He is one of the author in the famous piece about mediation [The moderator-mediator variable distinction in social psychological research: Conceptual, strategic, and statistical considerations, (Baron & Kenny, 1986)].