Thursday, February 21, 2008

New site

This cite is mainly for me to post some articles or information relating to my research interests, most of which is about the interplay between media, emerging science, and politics.

Not sure how well I can do and how far I can go. But setting this blog up is at least the first nice step. :)


Anonymous said...

hi, Tsung-jen:
good to see you set up a site regarding your thoughts about academic issues. I believe this open space will be a good place for everyone to share thoughts and to brainstorm ideas about "serious issues".
I'm looking forward to reading more of your articles and good luck on everything!!

pico said...

I do enjoy your writing and look forward to reading more interesting articles here. :)

Tsung-Jen Shih said...

thanks for both of your encouragement. After lying low for a semester, I think it's time to do something :P

Discussions welcome!