Monday, October 13, 2008

More about culture, value, and structural differences around the globe

Worldviews and values

Gallup World Poll looks very cool, but doesn't seem to have much information about Taiwan.

Henk Vinken's Website: Henk Vinken is a sociologist in Netherlands, who has done a lot of comparative studies on culture and values. This Website contains relevant publications and links. Absolutely useful.

Schwartz Value Survey.

International Social Survey Programme.

Country development

World Development Indicators by World Bank

• Internet penetration rate ( (
• Press freedom (
• Newspaper circulation rate – Table 13 (pg 99) of the "Statistical Yearbook" of the United Nations. The 2006 volume is available at the Memorial Reference Desk, call number HA 12.5 U63v.2006
• Television sets penetration rate (see links below)
• Telephone lines / Mobile phones penetration rates (see links below)
• Personal computers penetration rates (see links below)

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