Saturday, October 25, 2008

Nanotechnology data

Here are some newly-found data about public perception of nanotechnology.

Nanoforum is an European organization that publishs events, reports, and news about nanotechnology. One of its reports actually gave a decent overview about the debates surrounding nanotechnology; i.e., the balance between risks and benefits. For people who don't know much about nano, this is a good starting point.

Benefits, Risks, Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects of Nanotechnology

Although the report is not data-driven, it includes some findings from other research institute. For instance, there is information about media coverage of nanotechnology in Germany. It also includes an Internet poll conducted by the Royal Society in UK.

Of course, when talking about datasets in Europe, the European Commission is a good resource. In the "Publications and Events" page under the CORDIS website, there are tons of reports and survey results, although the pages for survey don't seem to work.

From the CORDIS website, I found a Eurobarometer special survey (#224, 2005) that asked questions related to nanotechnology. It seems comparable to another survey in 2001. But I haven't checked yet.

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